Pt. Adolphus & Inian Islands

If you would like to experience a fantastic day aboard the M.V. Sea Lion in Southeast Alaska, use the following recipe:

  • 1 early morning breaching humpback off Pt. Adolphus
  • 1 long walk along the “bear-track” trail at Fox Creek
  • 2 inter-tidal explorations
  • 30 kayakers paddling around Shaw Island
  • Several sea otters … pups optional
  • 1 Fairweather mountain range in the distance
  • 1 Brady Glacier
  • 1 on-deck fajita buffet lunch
  • 1 goofy slime-bone jazz kelp choir
  • Combine above ingredients with a clear and warm sunny day.
  • Generously coat the day with equal parts curiosity, enthusiasm, energy, and good humor.
  • Gently stir in a light breeze.
  • Mix well with plenty of sunscreen, lots of film and extra camera batteries.
  • Add multiple sightings of bald eagles, Steller’s sea lions and harbor seals.
  • Stir with 4 Zodiacs.
  • Sprinkle wildflowers throughout the mix.
  • Top with a beautiful sunset.
Serving Size:
  • Serves 53 Guests, 6 Expedition Staff, and 23 Crew
  • Zero