Los Islotes and Bonanza Bay

I'm not sure if it was the alarm watch or the clicks and whistles of dolphins resonating through the hull that woke me up early in the morning. But I know one thing: we all woke to a beautiful day! The ocean's surface was as flat as a mirror and only the long-beaked common dolphins that surrounded the Sea Lion broke the glassy appearance of the water. Well, that's not quite true, as the many breaching Mobula rays around us also contributed their share to disturb the placid scene off Los Islotes…

Dividing between Zodiac cruises and snorkeling, we brave explorers marveled at the beauty and grace of the resident California sea lions, frigate birds, blue footed and brown boobies and a solitary peregrine falcon. Some of us even got an underwater glimpse of a common loon diving for its fishy prey! And it was there, in the underwater realm, that we were able to fully appreciate the maneuverability and adaptation of the sea lions to the marine world. God, I wish I could swim as a sea lion! Several adult females, sub-adult males and young individuals swam back and fort among snorkelers, while some young pups played with the Zodiac's anchor line or chewed my fins. As a SCUBA diver getting underwater footage of the rich marine life there, I taught a lesson on concentration as I filmed a beautiful chocolate-chip sea star while a playful sea lion pup tried to pull my dive mask away: the resulting video came out very good and I managed to retain my mask!

Early in the evening the Sea Lion anchored at Bonanza Bay, in the south-eastern side of Isla Espíritu Santo. The wonderful long, sandy beach and the adjacent rocky point were the perfect scenario for the many kayakers that paddled the calm waters. Other explorers went hiking in search of the endemic, and elusive, black jackrabbit whereas some aquatic souls went snorkeling again. We all returned in time to enjoy a delicious barbeque on the beach and listened to marvelous stories told by naturalists Sue Perin and Adrián Cerdá. Seated around the bonfire, with our stomachs full and a new moon shining on the nocturnal sky, we all felt closer to each other and to our world. And I know one more thing: it was a matching end for a beautiful day…!