Isla San Francisco and New Year’s Eve

This morning’s wake up call included sightings of common dolphins swimming in the wake of the ship’s bow. We enjoyed watching them play as the sun rose over calm, blue seas. Slowly, we made our way to anchorage at Half Moon Bay on the lovely Isla San Francisco where there were numerous opportunities for exploring. Kayakers were excited by the variety of marine birds, getting a close look at oystercatchers and osprey. Others took a casual hike to the far side of the island to investigate the creatures of the tidal pools. Pencil urchins, brittle stars, fiddler crabs and acorn worms were among those uncovered in the shade of tilted, algae covered rocks exposed by the falling tide. Back on the beach we were enjoying swimming and warming on the sand when a huge squid nearing 40 lbs was brought to shore by the kayakers. The dead animal provided amazing material for an impromptu science class on the beach and an up close look at the eye and tentacles of this extraordinary animal.

During lunch we cruised towards Isla Espiritu Santo for the afternoon activities. After anchoring at the beautiful Puerto Ballena, Zodiacs provided access to a frigate rookery on a small nearby island. Everywhere we looked pelicans and blue-footed boobies were resting and flying about. Beach goers took advantage of a clear, warm day as snorkelers returned with reports of a moray eel and the largest king and Cortez angelfish of the trip. Sally Lightfoot crabs scrambled along the rocks between the rolling water and pelicans lounging restlessly on the rocks above.

A delicious dinner was followed by a New Year’s celebration on the aft bridge deck. Champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, dancing under the stars and a spectacular light show on shore all made for a festive and memorable night aboard the Sea Lion.