Morning found the guest of the Sea Lion off the shore of Isla del Carmen. After a morning of watching blue and finback whales, our guests spent the afternoon hiking the Arroya Rojo on the same island, to investigate the incredible plants of this dry wash and to hear from naturalists about how plants survive in this dry environment.

Always in the back of the back of the mind is the fact that these washes can fill with walls of water during sudden rainstorms high in the mountains. Broad washes narrow, only to broaden again to show new plants and fine examples of the geology of the island.

Hikers enjoyed the adventure of scrambling up narrow rock chutes to discover incense trees, Palo Verde, Palo Blanco, and cardon, organ pipe, cholla and barrel cacti. Other options for the afternoon were snorkeling or Zodiac cruising along the shore. We had sunny skies and glassy waters. The temperature was 63 at 7 am and 85 at 2 pm. Not bad for a January 16th.