Bahias de Alcatraz and Refugio

Solitude and Wilderness Areas

Today was spent much like our other days on this voyage: kayaking, hiking, snorkeling, observing marine mammals, and just plain old exploring. Our destinations for the day were the bays of Alcatraz on the Baja peninsula and Refugio on the longest of the gulf islands, Angel de la Guarda. Much like our other destinations, they were incredibly beautiful, remote, natural, and fulfilling. Our first stop for the morning was on the above pictured beach. Notice the lack of anything with a hint of civilization: no other people, no vendors, no vehicles.

It is an incredible experience to be in this type of paradise, and knowing that places like these still exist is therapeutic. One would be hard pressed to find a beach environment similar to what we experienced today north of the border. To be able to solo kayak beneath an osprey nest, snorkel with inquisitive sea lions, walk alongside coyote tracks, and observe feeding fin whales, is a true testament to the power of these wilderness areas in the Gulf of California. Even though the Sea Voyager is home to 50-some explorers, one is easily able to find their own space, observe their surroundings, and let it all sink in.

To quote Wallace Stegner, to experience the wildlife and wilderness we have is “the chance to see ourselves single, separate, vertical, and individual in the world, part of the environment of trees and rocks and soil, brother to the other animals, part of the natural world and competent to belong in it.”