Isla San Esteban

After a wonderful beach barbeque last night, we were gently awoken by another breathtaking Baja sunrise. With morning temperatures reaching 86 F by only 8:30 am, we set off by Zodiac to Isla San Estaban in search of the pinto chuckwalla. Looking closely, many of us were successful in spotting this beautiful and often well-camouflaged iguana. Hungry for a small snack, some of us also sampled the delicious fruit of the Cardon cactus refreshing all who tried it.

Returning to the Sea Voyager in the late morning, lunch was put on hold as we discovered scores of common dolphins and five sperm whales just seventy-five yards from the ship. Cameras ready, guests and crew enjoyed a breathtaking scene when each of the whales dove beneath the vessel. The translucent blue waters allowed us all to see this wonderful moment. Mike and Carlos, our underwater specialists, added to this special experience with underwater footage that they were able to take at the same time.

Today’s challenge was not so much in finding a photo to represent this amazing day, but in choosing which one we should use. All of us agreed, staff and guests alike, that our underwater specialist, Carlos Navarro won, with this up close experience with a brown booby that decided to stop and visit.