Angel de la Guarda and Canal de Ballenas

Guests awoke again this morning to another beautiful sunrise – and to the promise that this would be a full and fun-filled day. Sure enough, the day lived up to its promise. Early this morning groups set off in Zodiacs to Angel de la Guarda. Once ashore, guests divided into several groups to explore the island and its coastline more closely. While some did an exercise hike, others settled for slower paced walks along the shoreline with underwater specialist Carlos; or inland with Adrian, one of the naturalists aboard the Sea Voyager. A final group took to the water aboard one of the ship’s fleet of kayaks.

Before lunch, the Sea Voyager’s crew repositioned the ship while the Young Explorers and I set off in a Zodiac to rendezvous with Angel de Granito. When we arrived, we were pleased to see that the water visibility had improved from earlier that day. Guests soon left to snorkel with the small island’s local sea lion colony while others took a Zodiac tour of the island. One of my personal favorites, this small island offers an array of marine and plant life. The steep rock cliffs, colored a vivid green with Cardons and grasses offer a unique amphitheater for curious sea lions to bark away from.

Back on board, we set sail for our next destination – Canal de Ballenas. This afternoon and evening was truly a highlight of the week as we enjoyed the island’s beautiful two-mile sandy beach. With an array of activities from snorkeling to frisbee, everyone found something to do until dinner was announced. Sitting back and enjoying this very unique beach barbeque, we watched as the sun faded away and a beautiful night sky turned on all around us. Guitar music filled the air and novice astronomers did their best to locate a constellation or two. It was the end to another wonderful day enjoying the solitude and the unique beauty that only the Gulf of California can offer.