Our visit to Genovesa Island today could not have been better, and what a great way to finish our week of exploration in Galapagos. This volcanic island is located above the equator line, in the northern hemisphere.

This oceanic island is the home of hundreds of thousands of sea birds of many different kinds, such us red-footed boobies, frigate birds, swallow-tailed gulls, Nazca boobies, pelicans, noddy terns, finches and the elusive short-eared owl. This unusual owl hunts during the daytime hours, a remarkable adaptation to make the best use of the conditions here.

In order to explore and enjoy this wonderful Island, we offered different activities at different times throughout the day, so that everybody could enjoy at their own pace.

For the morning activity, we sent four groups to visit Prince Philip’s steps, followed by a group that went to visit Darwin bay, and for the afternoon, the groups switched, so that everybody could see both visitor sites.

During these outings, everybody had a chance to see male frigate birds, with their pouches fully inflated in order to attractive females. It was such an amazing show, and probably the highlight of the week.

This spectacle, along with sightings of red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, finches and sea lions, made this day perfect. It was like a dream come true for everyone.

After spending a whole week with us in this oceanic archipelago, our guests will never forget their unique experience of exploring in paradise.