Today we began our exploration of the Netherlands. We started the day by entering the Wadden Sea, a large, very shallow inland sea that separates the Frisian Islands from the mainland of the Netherlands. The Wadden Sea is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and we were able to observe large numbers of birds, most of whom were participating in the annual northward migration from their wintering grounds in West Africa, or, in some cases, sub-Saharan Africa, to their rich breeding grounds in the sub- or high Arctic. Additionally we saw large groups of harbor seals hauled out on the sandbars. The harbor seal is the signature animal of the Wadden Sea. Among the harbor seals were a number of the very large gray seals warming themselves and resting on the sand bars. In the late morning National Geographic Explorer went alongside in the small harbor of Harlingen.  

Harlingen had never before been visited by a cruise ship or expedition ship until we docked there last year with National Geographic Explorer. Today, on our return, was only the second time such a ship had visited and the local people were extremely excited to have us come. All day the ship was the subject of great interest and was constantly being photographed and admired.

We first took our Zodiacs for a cruise through the canals of the town. On the cruise we sailed by some beautifully restored fishing boats, called botters, and some shallow draft small cargo vessels which once traded around the North Sea, as well as a number of very new shrimp trawlers which fish in the shallow waters offshore. Our Zodiacs passed through the hand-operated locks and into the center of the town where we disembarked for a walking tour of the area. We convened in the late afternoon at the Grote Kerk, or Great Church, a beautiful Lutheran Church, where we were treated to a lovely organ concert by the church organist, Eeuve Zijistra.

We stayed until late evening alongside and some of us returned to the town where the shopkeepers had organized a Koopavond, or Shopping Evening in honor of our visit. The main shopping street of Harlingen is delightful and filled with shops and cafes and small restaurants. Our day in Harlingen was a wonderful introduction to the Netherlands and was much enjoyed by all.