Today we visited the wonderful island of Genovesa, it is one of the pristine islands of the Galapagos Archipelago. In the morning we developed a wet landing on a white sand beach, and we followed a short trail, and close to it, we saw lots of sea birds such as Nazca boobies, frigate birds, swallowed tailed gulls and red footed boobies. This island has thousands of sea birds, and some of them are nesting during this them of the year. In the afternoon, we landed at Prince Philip´s steps, and on the way to the landing site, we spot several flocks of red billed tropic birds and by the shoreline fur sea lions for the very first time during this week.  After looking at boobies and frigates, close to the end of the trail, we were able to see a couple of short eared owls, they were hunting storm petrels, which were flying all over the cliff in very large numbers.

After coming back from this great visit, we enjoyed of a beautiful sunset, and some delicious cocktails made by our bartenders.