Final expedition, Genovesa is the northernmost Island of Galapagos, small, and flat, perfect for seabirds.

The largest colony of red footed boobies is here, and other species such as Nazca boobies, swallowed tailed gulls, Galapagos storm petrels, great frigate birds and many others.

The trails are so that we can observe the wildlife just along the path.  Step after step we encountered sea lions, mocking birds and many young birds, recent hatchlings of all kinds.

Darwin’s Beach is a narrow white beach, framed by lava flows sheltering  small marine iguanas and prickly pear cactus, endemic to this island, odd sight them growing straight on rocks.

At the same time, Prince Phillip’s Steps after the climb onto the top offered an easy trail along the Nazca boobies colony and the Palo Santo trees breaking through lava trying to grow taller and right after we hit the coast again, on the search of the short eared owl, the only hunter on this island.