On our final day aboard National Geographic Sea Lion we awoke cruising south in Georgia Strait, across from the port city of Vancouver, British Columbia. We maneuvered through Porlier Pass and threaded amongst the Gulf Islands, finally crossing the international border between Canada and the United States. We continued to the San Juan Islands, encountering commercial vessels, ferries, and pleasure boats that ply the region. The twisting branches and peeling red bark of madrone trees were one indication of the dryer climate here in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains.

People used the time to finalize photos for the guest slideshow. Photo instructor Jeff Litton had an introductory class to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to help with processing all the images taken over the last two weeks.

After lunch, Rich Reid wrapped up the photo program with time-lapses from previous voyages as well as the highlights from this photo expedition.

We docked in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. Customs officers were waiting, and we were officially welcomed into the state of Washington. We were free to visit the whale museum, featuring the history of killer whales of the San Juan Islands, primarily the J, K and L pods. There was time to explore the boutiques, pubs, and other shops in this quaint community. Many people were delighted by Popeye – the harbor seal with cataracts that visits the marina near the fish store.

The guest slideshow looped during the cocktail hour, and we had some passionate final words from Captain Nettles and expedition leader Rab Cummings before going in to the farewell dinner in the dining room.

We retired with sweet dreams and lasting memories of our remarkable journey along the Pacific Northwest Coast.