Our fifth day exploring the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve began with a lovely overcast sky. Our plans were to spend the whole day exploring deep inside the pristine areas of the Pacaya River. After reloading our energies with a delicious breakfast, we jump in the skiffs and started cruising in the Pacaya River.

We wanted to see the most of this reserve and our desire was accomplished. The tall trees at the mouth of the river hosted flocks of parrots and parakeets. Festive parrots, short tail parrots, chestnut fronted macaws, cobalt winged parakeets, and canary winged parakeets were some of the species identified by our naturalist.

Along the river bank we saw several wattle jacanas with their chicks looking for food. Horned screamers were easily seen on top of trees. Their donkey call was easily identified as we passed by. This majestic bird is related to the geese. We passed next to a hoatzin colony and it was delight for all photographers. The hoatzin are considered “cow bird” since its diet is based on leaves.

A lovely sighting was finding a jabiru’s nest with their chicks.  Every place we looked, different species of animals were easily seen. Black caimans as well as spectacled caimans were basking at the shore. Red howler monkeys, brown capuchin monkeys and white fronted capuchin were seen foraging up in the canopy. Flocks of blue and yellow macaws were seen flying over our heads.

Close to midday with stopped in a small check point deep inside Pacaya River. Our galley had prepared a delicious lunch for the guest. The view to the lake was stunning from this place. The blue sky was reflected in the black water. It was a hidden paradise.

After lunch, we continued exploring a little bit more inside Pacaya River. A capybara was seen so closed to the river land. This huge rodent was hiding under several fallen trees and gave us enough time for shooting.

We couldn’t return back to Delfin II without doing the “Amazon Plunge”. We reached a small lagoon called Yanayacu. And one by one they began jump inside the waters. Curious pink river dolphins decided to get as close as possible to the weird creatures that were swimming. This was a great way to refresh our body.

Back onboard, we started cruising towards our next day destination. We gathered up in the open lounge to enjoy the lovely sunset and toast for similar days as the lived today. Another spectacular day in the Upper Amazon!