On our last day in Costa Rica, we again got to explore the wonderful Golfo Dulce, the southernmost area of the country. This morning we began our outings by disembarking onto Playa San Josecito, a bit north of Golfito, the main city within the gulf.

We entered the area of Dolphin Quest, owned and operated by the brothers Klotchko. This privately-owned property is bursting with plants and wildlife. We were welcome to explore their grand array of trails and beautiful gardens. A large part of what they eat and use in their home comes from their complex and well-planned garden. Fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, eggs, and poultry live, grow, and thrive inside these many hectares of wet lowland tropical forest.

With up to 5 inches of rain per day during the rainy season, the gardens and forest thrive and flourish. Attracted to them, the wildlife follows: monkeys, toucans, macaws, insects, and reptiles make a very prosperous living within.

During the afternoon, we repositioned the ship to the Port of Golfito. Here we offered kayaking and Zodiac cruising, while the ship replenished water, fuel, and food. In the later afternoon, off we went on our way to Panama.