Our Expedition Leader woke us all up at 2:16am for the most spectacular Northern Lights show that many of us had ever seen. Green and red danced across the sky above our heads for hours – an amazing way to start the day!

After a few hours of sleep, we awoke to a stunning day. The sun burned off what little cloud cover there was in the early part of the morning, giving us a perfect opportunity to explore the tidal meadow and nearby rivers. Some brave souls bushwhacked up the side of a waterfall, while others went kayaking in a river full of salmon. The tidal meadow was an ideal spot for a forest foray for those who did not wish to bushwhack.

In the afternoon, we found ourselves exploring places National Geographic Venture had never been! We spotted many seabirds, harbor seals, and even glaciers high in the nearby mountains! This day had something for everyone.