This morning, as we approached our destination for the day, the sky was an amazingly uninterrupted azure. The mountains that surround Haines were still cloaked in snow, making them absolutely pop against the purity of the blue above. Haines is always a treat, but when you roll into town on the summer solstice and the sun is shining down with predicted temperatures in the 70’s, it is truly a gift! Don’t get me wrong, this town is gorgeous even in the rain, but today was an absolute treat!

Today we had a potpourri of activities to choose from, including rafting down the Chilkat river, hiking the Battery Point Trail, a more rigorous hike up Mt. Riley, biking around town, fly fishing, and simply spending time in the quaint little berg of Haines. This author chose to visit the Klukwan Cultural Center, and then floated down the Chilkat River. On our way we saw many eagles and an amazing assortment of wildflowers, some of which were growing right out of the river!

It was a truly memorable day in Haines, Alaska!