Between brief and light rainsqualls, National Geographic Sea Lion sailed south into Ideal Cove. After breakfast, expedition landing craft picked their way between crab pots to deposit guests on the beach for shore activities. Ambitious and energetic aerobic hikers trooped uphill at high velocity, fast walkers tramped to a lake and beyond, and the more leisurely enjoyed a stroll from intertidal to stream and forest. Fungus peeped from the moss, a flicker made a brief appearance, and Pacific wrens called with undaunted determination from the cover of blueberry bushes. Everyone had a great time out on the Alaska-style boardwalk (netting over a single plank) and returned to the ship ready for a talk by Max Seigal on Alaskan fisheries.

Post-lunch we piled off the ship to take part in a variety of activities at the small Norwegian-flavored town of Petersburg. Dock walkers explored the local fishing fleet, learning about the different types of fishing boats and how they work. Fishermen jogged up and down the dock with supplies, providing ideal photo ops for the photo walkers. Scenic vistas over the picturesque town gave photographers a chance to play with both DSLRs and iPhones. Across the water, muskeg walkers braved the world of carnivorous plants and stunted Dr. Seuss trees.

Rain pattered down on the ship as we pulled away from the Petersburg dock, and fog cloaked the mountains as Tamsen Peeples entertained us with stories of growing up in Alaska.