We awakened this morning to the now-familiar backdrop of Southeast Alaska…layers of white and gray above and below, with misty puffs and lines clinging to the multi-green carpeted islands and mountains. For the earlier part of the morning the water stayed in the clouds, yet by mid-morning, the weight of the clouds descended as droplets and mist to the land- and seascape below. Just after breakfast we were visited by a guest speaker from the Alaska Whale Foundation who shared with us the results of his ongoing research with humpback whales. 

In the afternoon we anchored off the east side of Chichagof Island outside a small bay to explore the area by land and water. People split their time between various paces and distances of interpretive hikes through this beautiful forest, and some guests choose to kayak along the bay. Many groups were fortunate to observe a coastal brown bear feeding on sedges along the shoreline. Eagles and other birds were seen and heard. Aerobic walkers hiked along a salmon river up to the trail’s namesake, Lake Eva, where it took seven people to hug a huge old-growth Sitka spruce tree, and many guests took a polar plunge dip in the 40-ish degree Fahrenheit water. Though not planning to go in myself, I saw the refreshed and happy faces and couldn’t resist. Wa! Cold! Every cell in my body at attention, and a little smile accompanied me all the way back to the landing beach.  

Back aboard, tasty treats awaited…a sampling of Alaskan smoked salmon and locally-made Sitka chocolates. Yum! Though the sky remains gray this evening, the fog has lifted from the waterline and we hope to encounter wildlife before slumber. Another beautiful rich fun day in Southeast Alaska.