Any day that starts with humpback whales is going to be a good day…our day started with two breaching humpback whales and it was a very good day indeed. We watched multiple breaches and many blows and flukes before we headed in for breakfast.

Our morning anchorage was in a very scenic place called Ideal Cove. Keeping in the Olympic spirit, we braved the “balance beam” of narrow planks on the boardwalk trails there. We explored the forest along a stream and some of us made it to the ponds full of lily pads. There were also muskeg environments to enjoy. Some intrepid souls took a “marathon” style walk that included some gentle “skating” over wet and slippery sections.

The afternoon found us in the bustling fishing village of Petersburg. Here we had the opportunity to go on assignment with our photo instructor, Erika. She challenged us to tell the story of Petersburg with our photos. Carlos also guided us on a tour of the fishing boats docked here. We had plenty of time to discover Petersburg on our own as well.

Before we could start recap, more humpback whales showed up for one last breach followed by some napping. And we ended the day with a fabulous crab feast in the dining room of the National Geographic Sea Bird.