We arrived to the largest of the Galapagos Islands. Santa Cruz is an island of constant human development.  A waterfront that is built up, cars, hotels and shops along the coast. A place that was once a tiny, cute, little town is now considered the economic capital of the Galapagos. This was one of the first towns in Ecuador with a recycling program, and in the very heart of Puerto Ayora, one finds the headquarters of the Charles Darwin Research Station and National Park Service.

We were amazed by the combination of feelings and flavors of this morning’s excursions.  From a taste of the social side of the islands, to learning about some of the most iconic conservation efforts taking place in the islands. One of these amazing conservation goals that showed high success is the breeding program of giant tortoises, restoring the dynasty of these giants impacted by anthropogenic effects. We also visited a farm in the highlands where they produce their own sugar, moonshine, coffee, cheese, plantains and milk.

After lunch we encountered tortoises in the wild; plenty of them resting under the tall grasses, others roaming around the greenery.

What an incredible combination of the social and natural side of the islands we had today!