This morning was idyllic! Sun and sparkling water, waves and warmth. We zipped to shore for our first walk of the week along a boardwalk into the forest. Walkers headed up the trail amidst waving trees draped in lichen and abundant greenery all around. Skunk cabbage loomed large alongside us and moose tracks pocked the mossy carpet beside the boardwalk. Guests who opted for the longer hike reached a lake where sunshine blazed down and a red-breasted sapsucker was spotted. Yellow pond lilies dotted the edges of the lake and yellow cedar stood tall on the fringe of the wetlands. All in all, the morning was spectacular.

We pulled in to Petersburg during lunch and hopped off the ship for exciting adventures around town, from scenic walks through the beautiful town with cameras in hand, to flightseeing trips up to the Stikine Icecap and Leconte Glacier, and strolls around the fishing fleet learning about various boats. Many guests chose to go on a walk to a nearby muskeg, where a very different ecosystem greeted them. Gnarled trees stood like Dr. Seuss illustrations among acidic ponds of sphagnum and carnivorous sundews waited patiently for unsuspecting insects to stumble into their sweet trap. By the end of the afternoon clouds had closed in and a gentle rain began to fall.

Following Recap we eagerly crowded into the dining room for a Dungeness crab feast, complete with much lip-smacking. We followed up with dessert in the lounge, watching a documentary on the history of Petersburg as we sailed into the rain.