Today we added yet another layer to our experiences here in The Maritime Provinces of Canada by visiting the archipelago of Îles de la Madeleine, or Magdalen Islands. Situated in the middle of The Gulf of St. Lawrence this seemingly improbable string of islands harbors a rich history, first explored in 1524 and later settled in 1765. The early Amerindian cultures for thousands of years had come to these islands to harvest walrus, seals and other sea life. Though we're clearly in Canada it doesn't take long to notice that these islands are French, and more specifically Acadian French. In the middle 1700s British control of this region resulted in the forced removal of a majority of the French occupants of Acadia.  Resettling as far south as Louisiana, these French subjects would eventually return and reestablish themselves in Quebec, Nova Scotia, and here on the Magdalen Islands.

The waters around here have long been the source of bounty, from the abundant cod fishery of the past to today’s healthy lobster harvest. Formed by protruding mounds of salt deposits deep within the sea which pushed up the sandstone seafloor forming 12 main islands which are tied together by drifting isthmus's of dunnal sand complexes. Today we were able to explore much of this unique destination with its colorful cedar-shingled homes, rolling hills, red sandstone cliffs, and beach grass covered dunes. Many visited the Museum of the Sea telling much of the story of life here while others strolled the beaches or even braved the somewhat inclement weather by cycling some 13 miles around the main island. We were also treated to a visit at Àl'Abri de la Tempete Brewery to sample a few of their fine crafted microbrews, given the weather many were reluctant to leave this cozy locale by the sea. All enjoyed the congenial nature of the locals, dined on local food, and wondered just what life here would be like.

After a long day of immersion into the Acadian way of life we returned to our ship to relive some of the experiences of the day over conversations, evening Recap, and above all a taste of the Magdalen's in the form of fresh oysters procured by our hotel department.