Our last day exploring the Upper Amazon started with a colorful sunrise. A small tributary of the Ucayali River invited us to explore it, and we headed out in our skiffs right after breakfast. The narrow stream took us to a very lush flooded forest.

Different species of birds were sighted and the forest began to be filled with colors and sounds. We saw sloths, saki monkeys, squirrel monkeys and the elusive brown capuchins that showed up for our delight. It was a great way to say farewell to this part of the Pacaya and Samiria National Reserve.

In the afternoon, we visited Puerto Miguel. Here the ladies of the villages are well known for the lovely art crafts that they make out of the chambira fiber. We had the opportunity to learn about their process and purchase some souvenirs, before heading out again to explore the Yarapa River with our skiffs.

It was the cherry on top of the ice cream. Different species of primate were seen by our guest as well as many other birds not seen before.

As the sun began to set, our visit to the Upper Amazon came to an end. We are sad to leave, but we know that we will be taking a piece of the Amazon home, in our hearts. We spent the evening sharing stories and reflecting on what we’ve seen throughout this week, and we all concluded this paradise has to be protected for future generation.