A lovely sunrise gave us a wakeup call and announced that we were close to our morning destination, Iricahua Creek. We began our last day by exploring this creek using our skiffs. The cool temperature guaranteed a spectacular morning.

Lots of birds were already active. Lovely colors were seen passing by in the air. It was a very active morning for birds. A few colorful moths were also observed feeding from cotton blossoms. We didn’t realize that time had passed so quickly as we returned on board to enjoy our breakfast.

For the rest of the morning, we learned about different conservation projects in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. One of the chefs shared with us his secret for making the best ceviche.

For the rest of the afternoon, we explored the Yarapa River, another important tributary of the Ucayali River. Sightings of giant water lilies made the exploration mesmerizing. It was a great way to finish our expedition.