Our last day exploring the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve began with a foggy morning. We explored the edge of Iricahua Creek and the Ucayali River. We observed how the force of the river has been eroding the riverbanks.

As the fog began to clear several species of birds showed up, and birdsongs filled the ears of our guests. Some green iguanas began to climb trees to take advantage of the sun’s rays, caring less about the presence of the singing birds.

In the afternoon we visited the community of Amazonas. We divided into small groups and visited different families. They all taught us some of the common daily activities that the women do for a living. In this community, the women play an important role in the family economy. They have mastered the skills of using chambira fiber in their crafts and artworks. They also have several family projects running now.

It was a great way to finish our journey.