The DER below is from the expedition to Cuba that began on January 18, 2017.

After a full day at sea yesterday, Panorama II anchored early this morning off Isla de la Juventud. Officials came aboard and efficiently cleared us for our day’s adventures on this, the second largest island in Cuba.

Our morning adventures took us to the Presidio Modelo, a prison complex built between 1926 and 1931. The most famous inmate to be held in this prison was of course Fidel Castro, who was imprisoned here from October 1953 until May 1955.

After a scrumptious snapper or chicken lunch at Paradar Isla Azúl in the lovely town of Nueva Gerona, we wandered the streets to view and photograph the people and plazas of this place so removed from tourism that townsfolk were just as interested in talking to us or taking our pictures as we were of them. Expedition leader Cindy Manning reminded us that “we are very important ambassadors of the USA to Cuban people,” and of course she was absolutely correct!