After a hearty breakfast, we left for an adventurous hike over the dry arroyo bed on Kelly’s Beach, our favorite in Isla San Jose. We were intercepted by a small pod of bottlenose dolphins that couldn’t resist riding the bows of the cruising Zodiacs.

Some guests went on a moderate hike, others tried for a more physically engaging one where the arroyo becomes a meandering canyon. It was unusually green, and we found awesome critters, such as a rattlesnake, a tarantula, and the endemic Xantus’s hummingbird!

The afternoon brought yet more fun and games in the idyllic white sand and turquoise waters of Isla San Francisco. It was a perfect chance to play Frisbee on the beach, paddle the kayaks and standup paddleboards, birdwatch on the dunes, or maybe do some snorkeling. Everything was on the menu!

Another perfect day ended with yet more delicious food, and it was capped off by Ayla’s presentation about pinnipeds. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow will bring!