After breakfast we set off to explore the beautiful island of Canna. We had a choice of either joining Carol and Konia on a historical walk or Steve on a photo stroll.

Canna offers many photo opportunities, as it is a very tranquil and scenic island. The island is owned by the National Trust for Scotland as the former owners John Lorne Campbell and Margaret Fay Shaw gifted it to the Trust. The historical walk took in one of the churches and a stroll up to a Celtic cross.

On our sail to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, Carol gave us the background history to Iona and why it is so important. During lunch we sailed past the most westerly point of the British mainland, Ardnamurchan Point.

On arrival in Tobermory three options were on offer—a photo tour with Steve of this multi-coloured town, a hike along the bay with Carol or a ½-historical and ½-garden tour with Konia. And then the many interesting shops called us, especially the chocolate shop!

Before dinner Steve gave a presentation entitled Photography through a positive lens, making us think about different approaches to photography.

After a tasty dinner on Lord of the Glens some of us went for another stroll in this enchanting town—or straight to the Mishnish pub for some local chat.