Today started out in the Baltic en route from Riga to Klaipeda. The sky was blue and promised a warm day ahead.

After a leisurely breakfast guests were invited to the lounge for wonderful and informative talks from Peter, giving more in depth information about Baltic languages. After this, I gave a talk on the role of UNESCO and their World Heritage listing. Guests reported that both were fascinating and captivating.

Following the talks, lunch commenced and we made the most of the good weather by dining outside on the patio. Spirits were high and guests were excited for their afternoon excursions around Lithuania.

Having had a morning of indulging on board and listening to talks, it was wonderful to step foot in Klaipeda and begin our excursions. There were a variety of choices, from wandering in wonder though the sculpture forest on the Witches' Hill trip, or stretching your legs on a cycle through old town Klaipeda before taking the ferry over to the Curonian Spit. In such lovely weather it was a delight to be outside.

The trip to the Ornithological Station was wonderful.  It was fascinating to see the large bird traps and the birds getting banded/rung. The close up view of multiple bird species was fantastic and with guests being allowed to handle and then release birds, it made it even more special. Seeing the man in charge scuttle about clearly so passionate and enthusiastic about his job put a smile on everyone’s face.

After all this excitement it was back on board for an introduction to the amazing “Pristine Seas” project followed by Recap and then onwards to dinner! The duck and rhubarb sorbet were particularly tasty!

If this wasn't enough there was a fantastic, energetic and entertaining “crew show” put on for the delight of our guests.