Early morning at the Pacaya Samiria reserve and we all got excited about the day that awaited us. Our expedition leader decided to take us on a new exploration, following the spirit of our company. 

As we kept navigating, the exuberant flora of the Amazon continued to amaze us. Little by little the animals started to “appear.” Our first stop was to enjoy a new sight – the always-beautiful hoatzin, relative of the cuckoos that inhabit the river margins. 

As our skiff ride continued, more and more fauna started to show up, just like a magical place with endless numbers of different species of birds, mammals and reptiles. Horned screamers, blue & yellow macaw, jabiru, red-howler monkeys, black caimans were just a few of the many animals we all got to discover during this amazing expedition. 

It was already late morning, but we didn’t feel that we had already passed three hours of our exploration – I guess time goes by really quickly when you are having such a great time. Finally we made it to our destination, a Ranger Station known as “PV2” where our staff from the Delfin II was waiting for us with a great lunch right in front of a gorgeous meander lagoon. 

Later after lunch we started our way back to our ship with big smiled on our faces from a wonderful day full of great memories.