The morning presented the opportunity to set all thirty sails of the majestic Sea Cloud. We had fair winds, so we were propelled by a natural force. Captain John Svendsen and third Officer Weronika Fornalik welcomed our guests to the bridge, while chief engineer Alex Constantin took guests into the engines for an engine tour.

After lunch, we set our course for the captivating island of Korčula. With its stunning landscapes, medieval charm, and historical significance, Korčula promised an afternoon of exploration and discovery. Our guided walking tour took us through the cobblestone streets of Korčula's Old Town, revealing its rich history and Venetian influence. As we wandered along the ancient city walls and visited St. Mark's Cathedral, whispers of the past enveloped us, painting a vivid picture of centuries gone by.

A Moreska dance show deepened our connection to the island's culture and traditions. Moreska is a very popular drama and dance genre. The dynamic combat dance with swords is from Spain and connects to the enduring struggle between Muslims and Christians in the Mediterranean.

As the sun began its descent over the Adriatic, the skies darkened with rain, the winds picked up, and we came back to the shelter of our steady and trustful home, the Sea Cloud. During a barbecue dinner, conversations among guests turned to the rich tapestry of experiences woven throughout the day. The island of Korčula had shared its stories with us, inviting us to become part of its narrative. Our hearts and minds were filled with the essence of this charming Croatian gem.