We spent the day at the head of the Tunulliarfik Fjord. The area has some of the best farmland in Greenland, owing to its location at the inner end of the long fjord, which protects it from the cold, foggy weather and arctic waters of the outer coast. We landed in a small settlement called Qassiarsuk, which hosts a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was here that, towards the end of the 10th century, the famous Viking Erik the Red started a Viking colony. His descendants lived here as farmers and walrus hunters until around the mid-15th century.

In the afternoon, we went to shore in the same settlement, Qassiarsuk, but this time we visited a small family farm. An Inuit sheep farmer and his son showed us around, and the wife of the welcoming family had prepared cakes and sweet buns for us as well as homemade jam and handpicked herbal tea. We enjoyed those treats outside in the wonderful weather and wandered around on our own before heading back to our lovely National Geographic Endurance.