We awoke to perfect weather to hoist the sails on board the most ideal ship on which to do it, Sea Cloud II, under Captain Kathryn Whittaker’s command. She explained the mechanics of sailing while her crew hit the rig, and we reached a speed of six knots under sail. When the engines stopped, we were at the mercy of the wind and the waves. We were one with the sea.

In the afternoon, we explored Korcula, one of my favorite islands. Perhaps it’s because of its connection to Marco Polo and the sea, which inspires the desire to learn, explore, and go a little further. The narrow alleys that lead up to St. Mark’s Cathedral are full of color and art. We were delighted by the Moreska musical performance, a traditional dance on this island since the 17th century. We experienced a blend of Korcula’s vibrant present-day culture and its ancient past, all framed by limestone cliffs and Mediterranean landscapes.