Despite discouraging weather forecasts, we found ourselves in the company of yet another amazingly beautiful Alaskan day! We woke in LeConte Bay, a glorious glacial fjord where waterfalls plunged down near-vertical cliffs and ice floated all around. After breakfast, we hopped into our Zodiacs and cruised into the ice. This ice recently calved from the LeConte glacier, which flows from the Stikine Icefield into the bay. Sunlight glittered all around and the large bergy bits seemed to glow turquoise from within. Harbor seals were draped over some flat ice chunks, watching us with large shy eyes. Some had pups alongside. A few mountain goats strolled on the steep mountainsides with kids jumping beside them. Serrated peaks loomed with reflections to delight photographers. Once back aboard, we had a lecture on glaciers. All in all, it was a wonderful morning.

During lunch, we pulled into the Petersburg dock. This charming Norwegian-founded town made an excellent afternoon stopover. Shoppers raced to local stores to raid the shelves, while photographers explored the docks and boardwalks. Those interested in the local fishing fleet walked around the docks where hundreds of boats are gearing up for the fishing season. Many chose to hike the nearby Kupreanof Island, where they trekked up a boardwalk to a muskeg (bog). There they discovered many exciting plants adapted to the acidic and anaerobic environment, including the carnivorous sundew.

The evening concluded with a preview of our voyage video chronicle and a remarkable sunset.