We spent this morning exploring Milne Inlet, hoping to find the elusive wildlife that is known to inhabit this particular region.

Today the team found a great location for a nice morning hike up to one of the lakes onshore. Captain Leif safely parked the ship so close to the shore we could almost walk straight off the boat on to dry land! Once we had all disembarked we separated into different groups for our hikes and enjoyed picturesque views of the lake as well as the inlet. 

While we were out on our hikes, the dive team set out to explore the abundant life below the surface, along a wall just east of where the ship was parked. 

Our lunch back on board was interrupted by sightings of the almost-mythical narwhal. We all hurried out on deck to try and catch a look and we were incredibly lucky to see a large number of them swimming in the ocean. There were so many it was difficult to decide which pod to watch!

And so we watched in awe as these incredible creatures swam and played along the shoreline while occasionally revealing a tusk or a fluke for us to see. Eventually we had to leave them to being our journey to our next destination.