Misty Fjords more than lived up to its name, engulfing us in low hanging mist as we twisted and turned through the narrow fjord before finally dropping anchor in its northernmost terminus, God’s Pocket. Our watchful eyes remained vigilant for wildlife on the horizon whilst marveling at the sheer immensity of the towering granite walls around us, some over 3,000 feet tall. It seemed only fitting to start the morning with a humbling Zodiac cruise. Young harbor seals and pairs of bald eagles poked their faces out of the mist to greet us. Waterfalls towered above our Zodiacs, spilling icy cold snowmelt hundreds of feet and adding to the brilliantly clear freshwater layer that on clear days offers a lens through which to view the depths below.

A leisurely kayak and paddle further solidified the impressive scale of this gorgeous fjord for all aboard. Departing the anchorage in full sun was a rare treat that allowed us to admire and appreciate layer after layer of snowcapped granite peaks normally shrouded in mist. The afternoon found us cruising south down the Behm Canal, taking the scenic route to Wrangell, as we soaked up the abundant sunshine and marveled at the vast wildness around us.