Once again, we awoke to breathtaking West Greenlandic scenery. The sky was overcast with high clouds, and it was gently drizzling. Soft morning light gave us excellent photo opportunities while National Geographic Resolution sailed towards the depths of Karrat Icefjord. Karrat Icefjord is located at 71° latitude north and is a seldom explored area. In fact, we were the only expedition vessel, that we know of, that has been in the area.

Just like world-renowned Illulissat Icefjord, Karrat Icefjord is also filled with icebergs that were calved off the nearby glaciers. Our Captain and bridge team skillfully navigated us through the maze of the brash ice in front of the Umiamako Glacier. We spent the afternoon cruising with our Zodiacs and further exploring the icebergs of various sizes and shapes. We truly enjoyed the sculptural icebergs with their deep blue color and the wonderful backdrop of the mountains.