On the first full day of our voyage on National Geographic Sea Lion, we woke up to some surprisingly sunny weather as we made our way into Rudyard Bay — part of the scenic Misty Fjords National Monument Wilderness Area. Here we fully immersed ourselves into the serenity of this place by way of kayaks, standup paddleboards, and our Zodiac-style pontoons. A few shiny harbor seal heads were spotted periscoping, and a golden-colored coastal brown bear even came out for a snack on some shoreside vegetation.

The afternoon included further exploration on the Zodiacs, followed by some cruising around New Eddystone Rock and through the Behm Canal, all while enjoying unusually bright skies and a colorful sunset. Our younger Global Explorers enjoyed some time on the bridge, peppering Captain Carter with their curious questions. We’ve had an outstanding first day together here, and we are incredibly excited for our day in Wrangell tomorrow.