Today we navigated north in Nares Strait between Ellsmere Island and Canada, heading towards Kennedy Kanal and the elusive 80°N latitude. The day began under a blanket of clouds, but by mid-morning, the sun pierced through, casting a magical light over our surroundings.

Ice floes drifted south, with curious seals observing us as we ventured north. We were eager to spot polar bears, and our vigilance paid off just before lunch. We had a sighting of a young polar bear on an ice floe, moving away from us disinterestedly, yet still close enough for some beautiful pictures.

After lunch, a mother and cub were spotted swimming and then they climbed onto an ice floe heading west, but in range of the cameras. Following, Ralph Lee Hopkins gave a captivating talk on photography, light, and composition. Mid-talk, a large, chubby polar bear appeared on an ice floe right in front of the ship, completely unfazed by our presence, patiently waiting by a seal hole for dinner.

As evening descended the bear remained, waiting in the stunning light. A perfect end to a remarkable day.