This morning we arrived at Norfolk Island. The swell was quite high, so we made for the protected Cascade Bay at the back of this small island, away from the big swells and the main settlement of Burnt Pine.

After a short Zodiac ride to the dock, we set off in minibuses for a comprehensive tour around the island. Our first stop was Kingston on the southern side. Here, the swell was very high with huge waves crashing into the cliffs and the wharf. We made our way through the remaining buildings of the original convict settlement from the mid-1850s, learning about the trials and tribulations of the people who set up this community and those incarcerated on the island. We also visited the local cemetery where generations of Norfolk islanders are buried, including many gravesites of prisoners who toiled at this penal settlement.

A magnificent lunch was set up adjacent to the raging sea, and we all enjoyed the fresh and juicy red emperor fish. After lunch, we visited the botanic gardens and one of the oldest churches set up by missionaries. We walked through Norfolk Island pines to a lookout over the ocean. We saw many seabirds, including white terns and red-tailed tropicbirds.

We were back on the ship just in time for cocktail hour. Guests and staff alike were still buzzing after a truly wonderful day on this little slice of paradise in the Pacific Ocean.