Early in the morning on Sunday, the National Geographic Endeavour happens to be anchored at a little island on the northern coast of Baltra, North Seymour, which embraces a large number of attractions. The explorers on board are ready after breakfast and excited since they know this is a very special place. It’s the first full day of our expedition and we cannot wait any longer. The Zodiacs are launched full of long and short-hikers. The long hikers disembark first on an overcast morning for a walk along a rocky path. The first thing they see are blue-footed boobies that are dancing for love while our explorers take pictures. Not too far from them are frigatebirds with their pouches inflated and their wings vibrating to get attention of a potential mate. We go along in our walk along dry vegetation where lava lizards and Galapagos doves walk freely, fearless and looking for the meal of the morning, and when the walk ends at the coast the sea lions and Galapagos land iguanas seems to be decorating the final walking section in this great place to be.

For the afternoon our adventure takes place on a different island. This time we prepare ourselves to explore Rabida Island in the middle of the archipelago. First the Zodiacs are ready to take out the kayakers, who are going to be riding along the coast of the island where the scenery cannot be better for somebody paddling peacefully.

Following this excursion we have the deep water snorkelers and swimmers all working synchronized so everybody gets the best of the programming. Deep water snorkelers are surprised by giant manta rays, tropical reef fish, and white-tipped reef sharks, and go back to the Zodiacs very excited. And after the aquatic exploration we are ready for a relaxing walk on the island where we are surprise by a lonesome flamingo feeding on the brackish water lagoon. The pictures on this island have such great light, with an incredible setting sun. Later on we are ready to go back to the ship anxious to know what is being planned for tomorrow.