It is our first full day of exploration in this enchanted archipelago. Galapagos is one of the most pristine parks of the world, with 72% of its flora and fauna remaining in a natural state, and it has the second highest percentage of endemism of this planet.

Here we are this morning to explore North Seymour Island, a very small and flat island that is full of wildlife. For our early morning outing we landed on volcanic rocks that make up this shoreline, which formed under water and eventually rose above the water line. It is a nesting site for some of the emblematic species of the Galapagos such as frigatebirds and blue-footed boobies.

As we walked around, we had the opportunity to find a flock of Galapagos swallowtail gulls nesting and resting along the cliff, as well as both magnificent and minor frigatebirds that were actively taking care of their chicks in nests, or waiting with their pooches blown up to attract mates. A few yards inland we found some male land iguanas eating cacti, and others just basking on the rocks. Several lava lizards were also spotted, engaging in the symbiotic behaviors with other animals that allow them to thrive. Finally, our hike brought us to the great colony of blue-footed boobies. It was spectacular to see so many animals around us, so close to each other, living in harmony and having no fear of humans. It is a truly unique and unreal experience.

Later in the afternoon, we went snorkeling on a beautiful red-sandy beach, caused by the very high content of oxidized iron. We found a colony of sea lions playing in the water or feeding their babies on the beach. Meanwhile, other guests went out in Zodiacs for deep water snorkeling, and others admired the marine ecosystem from our glass-bottom boat. The conditions were just perfect for water activities, good visibility and a lot of marine life, including sea turtles, reef sharks, and aggregations of tropical fishes of many different color.

In the late afternoon we took a short leisurely walk along the beach of Rabida, where we walked among sea lions, mockingbirds, finches and yellow warblers, as the sun started to go down.

As we motored on our Zodiacs back to the ship at sunset, we felt such a sense of gratitude at having the great privilege of sharing the island with our guests, where the animals welcome us and make us to feel like part of their world. It is truly a precious gift.

What an experience!