This day started with a matted grey overcast at North Seymour Island. As the sun started to illuminate our path, we noticed that this island was very different from the previous. Frigatebirds tended to their nesting areas and soared high above us. Lava lizards flitted about, and large land iguanas became active as they started to warm themselves in the equatorial sun. The sun was high in the sky when we returned to the ship to begin our navigation to our next destination for the day.

We arrived to the bright red island of Rabida, which has had its iron content oxidized during its formation. We began our visit with a snorkeling opportunity, giving our guests the opportunity to explore the undersea world with turtles and an abundance of fish. As the sun dipped into the horizon, we strolled along the beach as Galapagos sea lions lazed in the glow of the afternoon.