Following a brief and earlier than normal early risers fare, we boarded pangas for three hours of whale watching. Although we saw three whales, we sought calmer waters and explored the nearby mangroves or followed two whales near Puerto Lopez Mateo.

After brunch, we sailed south through the Canal de Soledad, retracing our path of yesterday. We saw all sorts of birds and two separate pods of bottlenose dolphins escorted us, to the delight of all.

Mid-afternoon, we anchored off a beautiful beach, went ashore, and hiked through the spectacular dunes to Sand Dollar Beach on the Pacific Coast. It was an afternoon of reflection and discovery with sightings of innumerable clam shells littering the beach and dozens of sand dollar skeletons. The pounding surf offshore was reduced to a gentle flooding of our feet as we walked along the water’s edge. Cold soft drinks awaited us as we gathered for the shuttle back to the anchored National Geographic Sea Bird.

The Famous and Traditional Guest Slide Show was presented after recaps and dinner. A memorable potpourri of impressions: wildlife, friends, family…a time to relive and solidify mental images of a truly wonderful expedition.