Today we awoke to a perfectly calm morning in Paradise Bay.

A double-round of Zodiac cruising was offered following breakfast. After observing the whales’ feeding behavior, we enjoyed views of the magnificent, deeply crevassed glacial cliffs rising almost one hundred meters high. There were many beautiful sights in this oasis, including numerous whimsically shaped icebergs and a colony of blue-eyed shags along the cliff. After the Zodiac cruising and before lunch we had an opportunity to take a second polar plunge for those intrepid enough to take the leap.

After lunch we moved to the famous Neko Harbour, which was also our second continental landing. Guests had an opportunity to see gentoo penguin colonies and hike quite high on a glacial slope to a very scenic outlook. Other guests selected Zodiac cruising, and from the observation point our hikers could see tiny specks of Zodiacs in the distance.

After dinner, National Geographic Explorer set sail back to Ushuaia across the Drake Strait.