Our last expedition of the season and the first day of spring, March 21 equinox, gave all of us some great active sightings this morning in the Pacific Gulf of Panama.  The upwelling was evident, the temperature of the waters were much cooler as comfortable winds blew. We explored these rookeries teaming with pelagic bird life.  From the Zodiacs we could see the frigate birds’ kleptoparasitic behavior, as they attacked the hard-working pelicans and boobies. These islands are only 12 miles off shore, but yield wonderful opportunities to see and photograph brown and blue-footed boobies, brown pelicans, magnificent frigate birds, yellow crowned night herons and American oyster catchers, to mention a few.  The island is covered in epiphytic cactus and stunted trees, an ideal scenario for these nesting birds at this time of the year.

As the day progressed, we lifted anchor and headed to our next destination, the island of Coiba Marine Nation Park. A day’s sail in the open ocean continued to yield some great sightings.  We spotted whales, turtles, dolphins bow riding and a crazy unexpected view of a hammerhead shark navigating the surface as our ship streamed by.  I have to say, that the first day of spring has treated us well!