The day unfolded with a sense of anticipation as guests embarked on an unforgettable journey to Spigot Peak in Orne Harbour. The snow-covered landscape, untouched and pristine, set the stage for an awe-inspiring hike up a steep peak to watch a colony of daring chinstrap penguins. Reaching the summit of Spigot Peak, the reward was beyond expectation—an ethereal panorama of icy wilderness and a lively chinstrap penguin colony squawking against the beautiful background. The black and white plumage of the penguins created a captivating spectacle. As guests enjoyed the view, humpback whales entered the bay and lazily fed as they moved through the icebergs.

After lunch, our adventure continued to Neko Harbour where the snowfall intensified, adding a touch of magic to our exploration. The enthusiastic calls of gentoo penguins echoed against icy cliffs to welcome us. Surrounded by towering ice formations and the occasional sounds of calving glaciers, Neko Harbour is a serene haven, reinforcing the untamed beauty and resilience of Antarctica. We returned to the ship with our hearts filled with wonder and our cameras filled with memories. The snowy landscapes and delightful encounters with chinstrap and gentoo penguins were cherished highlights of our expedition to the seventh continent. The evening ended with recap, which was followed by the much-anticipated crew show.