Today we visited the heart of the Pacaya - Samiria Reserve: the Pacaya River. To take advantage of the best light and weather, we departed on our skiffs very early in the morning at 5:30 a.m. It took us approximately three hours to reach one of the furthest ranger’s stations, where we had our breakfast. During this ride, we explored the banks of the Pacaya River where we enjoyed seeing an abundant amount of birds, monkeys, reptiles, and superb landscapes. One of the highlights was listening to the thunder-like sound that the howler monkeys produce, which can be Heard from a very long distance.

After breakfast, we sailed back to our ship on our skiffs. After a delicious lunch and a well-deserved siesta, the wonderful crew of Delfin II gave us the opportunity to learn how to make origami with towels and also various local recipes for cocktails, including the famous Pisco Sour! Around sunset, we landed in an area known as El Dorado, where we experienced a night walk. During the walk we observed insects and amphibians, however, the most exciting part of the experience was to be surrounded by an incredible orchestra of the natural sounds of the jungle. We came back for dinner with many stories to share and inspired by having experienced an unforgettable day learning about the incredible Amazonian rainforest ecosystem.