After an early breakfast, we loaded the skiffs and explored Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. The plan for the day was to learn about the various conservation projects in the reserve. One of these projects is to collect river turtle eggs and take them to an artificial hatchery. This ensures the successful reproduction of the river turtle.

The morning was loaded with wildlife sightings. Guests saw different species of birds, including flocks of neotropical cormorants that gathered to feast on the abundant fish in the reserve. The major highlight was spotting a giant river otter, also enjoying the plentiful fish.

After exploring, we had a delicious picnic lunch in a ranger station. The sunny day invited us for a refreshing swim in the black water of Yanayacu Lagoon. This was enjoyed by all, and Mother Nature granted us the visit of pink river dolphins nearby.

As we headed to our next destination, our stewards shared with us the art of towel origami, and our bartender taught us how to make the best pisco sour of Peru. It was a great way to finish this great day.