National Geographic Explorer started the morning in the foggy but sunny Westman Islands Archipelago during a scenic cruise to reach Heimaey Island. Cetaceans were welcoming early risers and colonies of gannets displayed around the ship for guests that joined later.

Meanwhile, our guide Sævör gave a presentation about the evacuation of Heimaey in July 1973 when her family had to escape from the eruption of the Eldfell Volcano.

Around lunchtime, we entered the small harbor of Heimaey in between volcanoes. Atlantic puffins and kittiwakes welcomed us under sunny skies. Guests were able to climb to the top of the youngest volcano of the island to have an amazing view of the lava flows that covered the older city. Exploration of the island in the afternoon was followed by a visit to the Eldheimar Museum. This museum has an exhibit of an excavated house from before the eruption.

Sailing to Surtsey, the southernmost location of Iceland, we could appreciate the alignment of the Westman Islands along the South Icelandic geological rift. We sailed around the youngest island of Iceland whose summit was still obscured by clouds, then joined in the trivia competition in the lounge.